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Europe as a whole is only about 4% Evangelical - that means, even though a majority of Europeans are registered members of a church, there are very few who actually believe the Bible and have a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Where the light of Gospel once shown so brightly, it has now sadly, in many places grown dim. This needs to change! That is why Mission15 exists - for the Great Commission to be fulfilled in Europe! Our desire is to see Europeans from every country, region and ethnic group come to a living faith in Jesus Christ. 



How do you reach a continent and see the nations awaken to the light of the Gospel? We have learned that the best way to reach the most people (and the greatest variety of people) over the long term is to plant local churches. For this reason, we have partnered with several church planting organisations and networks in order to help train pastors, denominational and lay leaders to plant churches and start church planting movements throughout Europe. In this way, we will be able to see vast numbers of Europeans reached with the Gospel in a way that puts a local church in their area that speaks to their unique culture.

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Robert Tomaschek is the Director of Mission15. He is a native of Europe, born and raised in southern Germany. Robert has a call to train and develop pastors and church leaders - especially in the area of church planting. He lives and breathes to see God glorified in Europe and a great harvest of souls won on his home continent.


Robert is the European World Zone Leader for Dynamic Church Planting International - an organization whose goal is to help plant 5 Million churches worldwide. The main focus of DCPI is the training of leaders and church planters from Christian churches of all kinds. Since their inception they have already been able to help plant over 200,000 churches and continue to grow and gain momentum towards reaching their ultimate goal.


Robert is also the Director of Church Development for Rhema Bible Training College in Europe. His mandate is to oversee the planting, growth and development of new churches through strategic networking, training and mentoring of RBTC graduates.



US Address:

PO Box 2374, Broken Arrow, OK 74013


Europe Address:

Schulstr. 2 83308 Trostberg, Germany


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